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We offer a full range of improve design, installation and operation of pipelines at best prices. Visit us for technical information, support services etc. We envisage to bring all types of pipeline stake-holders i.e. designers (consultants and codal agencies), installation contractors and operators at a common platform for the development of sound and safe engineering practices for all.
HDD - Horizontal directional drilling
Fig. Pipeline crossing design by HDD methodology
Brief description of these parts are as below:

submarine pipeline wall thickness calculation

DNVGL-ST-F101: Code Check

This web-application performs the wall thickness analysis for offshore pipelines as per DNVGL-ST-F101: 2017......

Horizontal directional drilling calculation

HDD Design Calculation

This web-application performs the horizontal directional drilling design analyses i.e. pulling load calculation, stress analyses etc......

Articles on pipelines

Article - Main page

It is our commitment to bring scholarly articles related to pipelines, to improve existing technical know-how ......